Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bellzacty and other 2 year old musings

Hey Bubby,

I keep trying to SKYPE you but you are not home!  I had to FACE TIME Harley the other night instead.  I certainly do miss you...

Bellzacty came to visit us for December.  He watches over the house to make sure everyone is being good.  Every night he flies to Santa to give him a report and then flies back in the morning before I wake up.  Most of the time I am the first one in the house to find him...and I laugh and laugh!

You better be good for goodness sake!

I was missing Jamaica for the first week we were back, I fussed and fussed to go back.  When Mom said we could not go back yet then I wanted to know where Christmas was!

Jamaica was paradise

Mom and Dad say we can go to Mickey's house as soon as I pee pee and poo poo in the potty all the time and diapers are gone.  I really want to go to Mickey's house but I don't like pooping in the potty.  I tell Mom "not yet."

The bros relaxing - ya mon

Zachy misses you and so do I.  Come home soon!

I love you,

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mama mama....bbbbbberrrrrrr...dududdu

mama mama, bbbbeeeeeeeeee
mmmmm...mmmmm...uh uh

Zachy says that he misses you and wanted to show you this picture of last weekend when we went to the farm.

ggguuuggggg, brrrrbbbbb
mmmmm, mmmm

"love you bubby"

Monday, October 3, 2011

I walked down the island

Hey Bubby,

I told Mom that you were coming home today but she said no and that made me sad.  But then she told me you would be home in a few days so I did a little dance and told Mom that you are brining me candy.  She laughed but I know the truth!

This weekend I was in Amy and Brian's marry thing.  I had to walk down the island with Mom and then a man spoke. 

I was supposed to stand still but I played in the sand instead.  I don't think anyone minded.  Then I danced my head off, ate some cake (eventhough I am not supposed to Mommy said it would be ok this time) and fell asleep on the way home.  I loved it.  And Zachy was not there!!!  He stayed home with Stephanie.

See you in a few days ok?  /whispering/ don't forget the candy...

XOXO Bella

Thursday, September 1, 2011


September eighth: Yawn. Stretch. Turn over to click the alarm off. Breakfast time at D2 and Intro to Ocean Engineering soon after (an interesting class that I believe I will actually learn a lot in). Soon after I am able to go to lunch with my friend Brian, but it won't be long for I am sitting in the front row of physics lecture praying that the minutes tick like seconds. One more class and test after this and soon I will be steering myself and my car off of the beautiful campus I live on. It is only a three hour drive to UVA, and thank God it is only that long because it will be at least eleven or twelve pm by the time I get there. Friends will greet and hug me with open arms, but I will be on the road again in eight hours from then. The eight hours will pass quickly from sleep, and the time on the road should be easy to drive because at my destination is my prize. One little two year old sister will be chased down and hugged/tickled, while the not even one year old brother will laugh at the foolish faces made. I will love you two til the end whether you know it or not because you are my beautiful sister and happy brother.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Of Superheroes and Hurricanes

Hi Bubby,
Did you know that I went to Chookie's Big House during the Hurricane?  I thought you were going to be there but I did not see you.  Harley was there, we played on Chookie’s porch when it was not too wet.  Mostly we were just looking for ants. 

We also played in the pool and went to the Mooseeum.  Xena came with us but we left the cats at home.  I loved running up and down the halls with Rose.
What are you doing?  Are you going to bring me some LEMONADE when you come home.  You know, the green and white candies you had in your room.  I love those and ask Mom for them all the time.  But she says I have to wait for you to bring them to me.  I do get some when I poop in the potty, but since I never do that, I never get candies.  Mom is mean that way.
Yesterday I turned into SuperGirl all day.  Mom and Stephanie and Daddy wore capes too but they could not run as fast as me.
We lost our bike helmets so we had to get new ones last night.  I got a pink one with frogs and princesses on it.  Zachy got a race car one.

Tonight we are going to ride our bikes over to Chookie’s house for dinner.  Can you come over?
I miss you.
Love, Bella

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Soon, We Will Feast

It has been one month and a handful of days since the my jaw surgery. I am now past one of two obstacles that will allow me to once again consume food with texture. To be able to chew, instead of drink my nourishment is all I desire night and day. It has reached a level so high that lately it has reached my subconscious and my dreams now reflect my desires. Just last night I had a strawberry-vanilla cake with barbeque, baked lays. It lacked taste, yet it still seemed amazing to me. I was once again consuming food in its original form, unlike the Chef Boyardee blended with milk that I eat/drink now. Sadly I wake up from all these eating frenzies of food that I apparently crave. Who knew that deep down I was a little chubby boy intent on eating any scraps from the birthday party of his semi-friend who was off with all the other normal boys swimming in the pool.

This has been half of my college experience so far, working to return to my original healthy form. The other has been a mix of balancing school and the new social life in an entirely new chapter of my collegiate career. In a new dorm that is almost off campus, I am now with a mix of transfer students, juniors, and sophomores that all seem to come from different walks of life. The interaction between them is unpredictable and not safe to put on a blog. I will simply refer to it as the "Island of Misfit Toys" and let your imagination do the rest.

To my beautiful family back home, I want to tell them I love them so much and I cannot wait to return in September to see them again. Specifically to my little siblings, I want you to know that bubby misses you and loves you entirely.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

We miss you Bella

Dear Bubby,

We miss you very much.  This weekend I stood at the top of the stairs and cried.  I kept saying your name but you did not come.  I know you are at school, but really that does not mean much to me.  I just know you are not here when I want to play with you.  I do try and find the candies in your room, Mommy told me you took them to school with you.  Will you bring me some?  They are my favorite since they are chocolate!

Zachy does not say much, but I can tell he misses you because he cries harder when I hit him now than he did when you were here.  Here is a picture that Mommy found of me with you.  I think you are reading my favorite book, Cecily G. and the Nine Monkeys.  We will read it again when you come home in September.

I love you, Bella